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Currency Services

's Payment and Foreign Currency Exchange Services are provided by Ebury Partners UK Limited. Ebury Partners UK Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Electronic Money Institution. Reference number: 900797. Ebury Partners UK Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioners Office, with registration number: Z209673X.

Welcome to our application form

I am a
And I operate as a...

Signatory contact details

Date of birth

Signatory identification

UK Residents

Please use the second line of the MRZ number from your passport or your UK driving license number in the form below. Alternatively, send a scan of your passport, driving license or other valid photo id card and a copy of a utility bill or a bank statement dated within the last three months.

Residents of the EU and the rest of the world

Please use the second line of the MRZ number from your passport. Alternatively, send a scan of your passport, driving license or other valid photo id card and a copy of a utility bill or a bank statement dated within the last three months. Residents of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden may use a scanned copy of an ID card in place of the passport MRZ number.
ID details
Document number:
Document number:
Upload file (Max Size 25MB)

Joint account holder

Is this a joint account?


We are required to identify three trustees. Please provide information on trustees of your charity below.

Joint contact details

Date of birth

Joint Signatory identification

UK Residents

Please use the second line of the MRZ number from your passport or your UK driving license number in the form below. Alternatively, send a scan of your passport, driving license or other valid photo id card and a copy of a utility bill or a bank statement dated within the last three months.

Residents of the EU and the rest of the world

Please use the second line of the MRZ number from your passport. Alternatively, send a scan of your passport, driving license or other valid photo id card and a copy of a utility bill or a bank statement dated within the last three months. Residents of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden may use a scanned copy of an ID card in place of the passport MRZ number.
ID details
Document number:
Document number:
Upload file (Max Size 25MB)

Your business


Please detail any subsidiary you wish to add to your trading account. Please note you must have a minimum of 50% ownership in a subsidiary for them to be included as part of your group account.
Is this a Group account?

Authorised parties

You can add authorised parties who can access your account. This information is optional.



Please complete the name and contact details for partners holding more than 25%. This information is not required for partners with less than 25%.


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